Chicken Corn Soup
Hello everyone. Today, I wanted to show you a delicious soup that can be eaten during any occasion. It is called Chicken Corn Soup. My mom always makes this for me and I enjoy it very much. The original recipe came from The Wok cookbook by Linda Doeser, but this one is a little different. I hope you try this out and enjoy it.
•1 lb of ground chicken
•2 tbsps of soy sauce
•2 tbsps of sesame seed oil
•2 tbsps of corn starch
•1 tbsp of rice vinegar
•Salt and pepper
•1 1/2 tbsps of ginger paste
•3 cups of chicken broth
•1-8 oz can of cream of corn
•1 lb of corn kernels
•In a large bowl, mix the ground chicken in with the soy sauce, sesame seed oil, the corn starch, the rice vinegar, and the salt and pepper.
•Then, in a large sauce pan fry the ginger paste. After that, add in the chicken broth and let it boil.
•Next, add in the cream of corn, as well as the corn kernels. Finally, add in the chicken mix, and let it boil for 20 minutes.
•Serve and enjoy :)